This Highfield accredited course provides participants with knowledge of risk assessment in any workplace environment. It is there to give employers, supervisors and employees in all sectors a fundamental outline of the risk assessment process and equip them with the skills required to undertake a suitable and sufficient risk assessment within their chosen environment. It also prepares participants to move onto further training while informing them of the responsibilities of employers, the main causes and costs of work-related fatalities and injuries, as well as the role of risk assessment in the prevention of accidents and ill health, the requirements of a risk assessment, and methods of evaluating risks.

Delivery Method: Face-to-face session
Learning Hours: 1 day (6 hours of learning)
Key Topics:
- How to complete a risk assessment
- Hierarchy of control
- Risk Assessment Matrix
Assessment details
This course is assessed by a 15 question multiple choice assessment.
Upon completion you will gain a Level 2 Risk Assessment.
If you are an employer looking to enrol multiple staff on to this course we can offer this course on site at your place of work. (please note ACT/ALS will not cover any additional costs this may incur)